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Cheryl Davis headshot
Cheryl Davis
Senior Pharmacy Adviser, Visante UK

Senior Pharmacy Adviser, Cheryl Davis (MRPharmS) has spent much of her career within primary and secondary care as an expert in medicines optimisation, change management and service development.

Cheryl brings more than 35 years of experience to Visante clients, including much of that time within Primary Care.  As Managing Director and Clinical Pharmacist for Pharmaceutical Resource Network (PRN) Ltd she has been responsible for leading an independent clinical pharmacy business supporting NHS providers and NHS commissioning primary care organisations and Care Homes in England to implement medicines optimisation. Cheryl has been credited for implementing medicines related service redesign, developing and implementing new medicine optimisation products for commissioning support units (CSUs), establishing a multidisciplinary care home support team and designing and implementing service provisions, as well as developing medicines management standards for large care home groups and facilitating external stakeholder consultation.  She has also been instrumental in designing a local medicines pathway and cross-sector model to support medicines adherence across a London borough, in addition to producing practical resources to improve the safety of medicines administration by District Nurses.

 Prior to this, Cheryl was the Deputy Director, Primary and Community Care Manager at Camden & Islington Health Authority.  In this role, she helped to support the purchase of all health care for residents of North Camden, including overseeing contract negotiations with the Royal Free Hospital.  As the Pharmaceutical Advisor for Camden & Islington FHSA Health Authority Cheryl focused on the importance of creating working relationships with the local GP practices and community pharmacists and initiated and implemented Tomlinson developments across primary care.  During this time, she was also responsible for overseeing the development of Community Pharmacy, Dental and Ophthalmic services in Camden & Islington, as well as managing the team responsible for implementing these services. 

 Cheryl received her MRPharmS degree from School of Pharmacy (University of London) and is a member of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain (RPSGB).


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