Remaining compliant in all areas of Medicare is a constantly moving target. Visante can help you manage your Medicare compliance needs, evaluate your clinical programs, and provide assessments of your operational capabilities, while also optimizing performance and member satisfaction. We have been providing cost-effective Medicare consulting since the program’s inception, and our experts bring an average of more than 25 years of experience in assisting a wide range of Medicare plan sponsors. Our Medicare Part D consultants perform customized strategic assessments and planning, mock audits and assessments, and CMS Audit Validation, all customized for your organization. Below is a list of services we provide.
- Coverage Determinations, Appeals and Grievances(CDAG)
- Organization Determinations, Appeals & Grievances (ODAG)
- Formulary and Benefit Administration (FA) including Transition fills
- Special Needs Plan Model of Care (SNP MOC)
- Compliance Program Effectiveness (CPE)
- FirstTier, Downstream and Related entities(FDR)
- Rejected and paid claims analyses
- Employer Group Waiver Plans (EGWP)
- Medication Therapy Management (MTM)
- Prescription Drug Event (PDE) analyses
- Star Ratings