Jamie Rutherford (PTCB) is a Medication Access Specialist at Visante. Jamie is known for providing excellent, timely and efficient patient-focused services and support.
Before joining Visante, Jamie was a Medication Authorization Pharmacy Technician with the University of Virginia Medical Center. In this role, Jamie submitted prior authorizations and appeals for more than 15 providers in the rheumatology, endocrinology and pituitary settings. Jamie was responsible for submitting prior authorizations through insurance companies, working with patients to set up specialty pharmacy medication deliveries and coordinating new medication patient counseling with clinical pharmacists.
Jamie has been a pharmacy technician with a number of pharmacy organizations. She was a Senior Pharmacy Technician at Genoa, a full-service pharmacy serving more than 300,000 consumers through the operation of 250 on-site pharmacies within 35 states. Jamie has extensive experience in managing prior authorization service needs. She is particularly adept at handling difficult situations with and for patients, and she successfully interfaces with doctors and nurses.