Jennifer Hawker (340B ACE, CPhT) is a 340B Analyst for Visante where she supports clients in achieving their compliance goals. Jennifer brings a wealth of experience in the 340B space, having worked in both hospital and retail settings conducting audits for mixed-use and outpatient locations as well as contract pharmacies. She understands the complexities of 340B regulations and requirements. Jennifer brings this experience and expertise to Visante's clients and provides exceptional customer service.
Before joining Visante, Jennifer was a 340B Pharmacy Analyst at Erlanger Health System in Chattanooga, Tenn. Duties in this role included: internal audits of the CE’s eligible 340B locations and contract pharmacies; quarterly and annual external 340B program audits; along with reconciliation of outlier charges within Epic Willow work queues. Additionally, Jennifer supported annual Medicare Cost Report review for OPAIS department/child-site updates and registration; Third Party Administrator maintenance, ESP data-submission of relevant 340B drug claims; procurement, and Revenue Integrity support.
Jennifer also has prior experience in both retail and hospital pharmacy settings as a certified pharmacy technician, including two years as a medication reconciliation technician in an emergency department. She was previously employed by a CE comprised of a DSH, two CAHs, an FQHC, and roughly 140 contract pharmacies. While employed by the CE, Jennifer participated in a HRSA audit at of one of the CE’s critical access hospitals.
Jennifer has a Bachelor of Science degree in Liberal Studies (General Science) from Middle Tennessee State University. She is licensed as a pharmacy technician in both Tennessee and Georgia and is nationally certified as a pharmacy technician (CPhT) through PTCB. Jennifer is certified as a 340B ACE through the completion of the Apexus Advanced 340B Operations Certificate Program.