Lynn Thoma, PharmD, BCACP, BC-ADM, CDCES, is a Senior Consultant for Visante. Her experience in the clinical space and her management expertise allow Lynn to help clients optimize their performance.
Before joining Visante, Lynn was the Director of Pharmacy at HealthLinc, Inc., a Federally Qualified Health Center, in Valparaiso, IN. In this role, she managed the 340B Drug Pricing Program, provided leadership for all pharmacy-related matters in the clinics and entity-owned and operated pharmacies, and served as the Residency Program Director. Lynn helped grow the pharmacy staff from one pharmacist to 25 pharmacists and technicians, started the residency program and opened two pharmacies. As a part of pandemic-related endeavors, Lynn operationalized an effort for over 80,000 COVID vaccines.
As a pharmacist, Lynn is committed to creating and maintaining innovative pharmacy services, optimizing compliant 340B programs, and advocating for the profession, specifically allowing pharmacists and pharmacy technicians to practice at the top of their licenses.
Lynn serves as a preceptor and Regional Faculty Coordinator for Purdue University. She is a past president of Indiana Pharmacy Association and currently serves as the chair of the Health Equity Task Force.
Lynn earned a Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) degree from Purdue University College of Pharmacy. She completed post-graduate residency training at Fagen Pharmacy.