This week we welcome Dr. Loyd Allen Jr. to the podcast. He is the editor-in-chief of the International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding (click here) and has been an outspoken advocate for improving quality in compounding as well as advising on multiple committees for the United States Pharmacopeia and the FDA. WE’RE NOW ON iHEART RADIO PODCASTS (click here)! Sign up for updates from [mc4wp_form id=”14886″] If you like the podcast follow us on twitter @PharmacyInspect and share the podcast with those who might find it helpful. We’re just getting warmed up; there’s SO many more topics to cover! Stay tuned for what’s to come! Thanks for listening. Do you have a question or comment for the show? Leave us a VOICEMAIL, right on our site!
Pharmacy Inspection Podcast Episode 12 – Dr. Loyd Allen Jr.
Published date: January 31, 2018
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