Visante’s 340B Program Consulting Services
Visante’s 340B Program Consulting Services for Grantees Provide:
- Commitment to grantee leadership with a clear focus on 340B Program compliance
- Education and training to develop and maintain staff knowledge and skills
- Support 340B systems with their requirements of generating auditable records
- Measurable improvement to consistently analyze, monitor, and implement program enhancements
- Ensure grantee practices are consistent with the scope of grant eligibility, including:
- Ensuring grantee is conducting patient care within grant approval
- Ensuring grantee can meet and exceed Federal reporting requirements
- Assist with reporting to ensure reinvestment into vulnerable patient services
Visante supports all types of covered entities:
- Black Lung Clinics
- Children’s Hospitals
- Comprehensive Hemophilia Centers
- Critical Access Hospitals
- Disproportionate Share Hospitals
- Federally Qualified Health Centers
- Free Standing Cancer Hospitals
- Hemophilia Treatment Centers
- Native Hawaiian Health Centers
- Rural Referral Centers
- Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Grantees
- Sexually Transmitted Disease Clinics
- Sole Community Hospitals
- Title X Family Planning Clinics
- Tribal/Urban Indian Health Centers
- Tuberculosis Clinics
Does Visante provide ongoing routine oversight for 340B programs?
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